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Irregularities in the bill on gender harmonization as contained in Parliamentary File 1469.

Published: 22.07.2013

Until July 20th there was an erroneous text of the Parliamentary File 1469 containing draft bill on gender harmonization introduced by the group of the envoys from new-left political party “Palikot Movement”. The bill, as available on the official website of the Sejm was different than the one introduced on January 3rd 2013 which was listed on the face of the File. There was available only an earlier (submitted on May 2012), more radical and widely criticized version of the bill. This earlier version was withdrew by envoys supporting the bill in order to make self-amendments. Than it was submitted again (on 3rd January 2013) in a slightly moderated version which was intended for the first reading procedure on 26th of July. Unfortunately, Parliamentary File 1469 (a pdf document containing the bill in itself together with a bundle of submitted opinions and required certificates) contained the first version of the bill which was officially withdrew.

Ordo Iuris raised doubts as to whether the bill might be proceeded according to original agenda, as the members of the Sejm were not able to know, which project was exactly subject to a legislative procedure.

The Right’s Doomed Compromises – A Reply to Law and Justice Leader Jarosław Kaczyński

Will Poland’s Law and Justice (PiS) go down the same path as Western Europe’s Center Right?


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‘Impartiality’ Is Not ‘Neutrality’: A Polemic against the Liberal View

A considerable portion of the public which can be generally described as liberal accepts the decision by Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski to remove religious symbols from Warsaw offices as uncontroversial.

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The Leftist Crushing of Conscience - The First in a Series on ‘Abortion: The Road to National Horror’

- According to polls, a majority of Poles support an increased legal availability of prenatal killing than the public has access to at present. This support fluctuates, however, depending on how a poll’s questions are formulated.

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A blow to one of the fundamental rights. Spain criminalises public prayer

- Spanish authorities have banned public prayer, including the recitation of the rosary for the homeland. The decision is in response to mass protests by the population expressing opposition to the amnesty of Catalan separatists.

- States, by introducing legislation criminalising silent prayer, are violating the right to freedom of thought and conscience, which is a fundamental human right.

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